Writer’s Journal Notes

Notes on the Writer’s Journal Project:

– The accounts in the Writer’s Journal are fictional. I write scifi, not westerns. I do enjoy craft beer and salty snacks, I rode in a helicopter once, and I have a darling wife.

– This project started as a few short posts on Facebook. I had so much fun, I moved it here to my website and adopted a journal format.

To give myself a stopping point, I’m playing on a six-day “must” system. If I can’t put up a segment in that time that I believe is entertaining for new readers and humorous for return readers, the game ends. I have vacation travel coming up and we’ll see how that goes. Then the semester starts (I teach).
– I am absorbed in writing Crystal Escape, the next book in the Crystal Series. I hope to add more to Writer’s Journal on occasion.

Thanks for visiting, and please email me at doug(at)crystalseries.com if you have any questions or comments.

Happy reading!

Doug J. Cooper

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Keywords: science fiction, book, futuristic, action, adventure, thriller, suspense, read,
          novel, artificial intelligence, AI, military, aliens, spies, romance, fleet, battles,
          Doug J. Cooper, indie, space opera, author, purchase, buy, Kindle, paperback, Amazon